First, Mystery Stole. My third attempt and I really, really, really like it. It's a great design!

I finally finished this sweater made after a free pattern from Berroco "Anja". A simple turtleneck pullover, because I think the yarn speaks for itself. I am going to wear it on the first day back to school.

Halcyon from Knitty. I just have to find some ribbon for the ends to weave in. The yarn is from Woolbearers courtsy of my SP 11 pal Robin.

Yesterday evening I made this. It's Cabled and it's great! I wore it all day today, even though I didn't leave my flat. I don't have a photo of me wearing it because I seem to be too stupid to take a photo of my head with the hat on it. I used Cascade 220 and added a few cable repeats to fit it on my head. The button is rather antique, I think from the 50s or so (courtesy of my Grandma).

I also did the Snowdrop Shawl by the Harlot and I will show it to you when dyed and blocked.
5 Kommentare:
Great hat! I would love to see how it looks on. Happy new year!
Wow - you are starting out 2008 with lots of new FOs! Good for you!
I like your Mystery Stole! And I like the way you wear it (will have to copy that, because although mine is also finished I haven't posted it yet, because I have no clue how to wear it and present it).
Gosh you have been busy with those needles. I love the sweater. It turned out great.
I adore that sweater! What yarn is it??
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