- got my big love back - and lost him again after a couple of blissful months
- went to a great vacation on Rhodos wiht my sister
- didn't go to the Oktoberfest
- spent a lot (and I mean a lot) of time at various beergardens in Munich
- fell in love and was let down (remember cute guy?)
- had some great parties at my flat
- used up 10 pens of red ink to grade school papers
- knitted, knitted, knitted
- started this blog
- started to go to the local S'n'B and met a bunch of great people there
- went a last time to "my" disco (which closes today after 10 great years - I will miss you K41!)
- was said to be pregnant two times (not true!!!)
- got my new sofa (love it, love it, love it)
- spent great times with my friensd (D, B, U, F, T - what would I do without you)
- went to the "Wir sind Helden" concert
All in all, a great year - hope 2008 will be as great! See ya then!